Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Monday, 29 June 2015
Here are the 7 key things not to say during an interview:
I am sharing this because I know it will help someone.
Here are the 7 key things not to say during an interview:
1. “I don’t know” or “I don’t have any weaknesses” or “I’m known to be a perfectionist” when asked to name one of your weaknesses or flaws is a no, no. Despite being an extremely common response, perfectionism is not a flaw and everyone will know you are lying. Being a perfectionist is a more of a positive than a negative and mentioning it should not be used as a substitute because you’re afraid to divulge your real flaw.
Mention a negative, but follow-up with what you have been doing to address the weakness and mention a recent success due to this new way of dealing with the weakness. Such weakness can also be viewed as a positive because you are self-aware and you have taken the step(s) to manage the weakness.
2. “My boss was a flaming jerk!” or “My colleagues were difficult to get along with!” Never ever criticize a former boss or employer. No matter how poorly you were treated, it is foolish to point the finger at someone from your previous job, it is simply unnecessary. For one thing, the person interviewing you may feel you are disloyal. For another, you may be perceived as someone who whinges or unable to hold a job. Trust me, nothing good can come from talking down another organization, so keep your mouth zipped and keep it positive.
3. “You have no idea, you are my last hope. If I don’t get this, you have no idea what I am going to do to myself” or “You are the only one hiring now and if I don’t get this, it is the end for me.” Chill out, it is only a job interview! Never beg or talk about how much you need the job – it is pathetic!
If you pour out a sob story to try to win the interviewer’s sympathy, you are most likely signing your ‘never’ warrant with the company. People simply do not want to hire someone they feel is a walking emotional wreck or someone they feel sorry for. They would much rather find an employee they perceive confident, able and admire or someone they can depend on to get the job done. Making yourself out to be a victim may get your scooted out the door in a hurry.
4.“If I get the job, then I can buy a car to get me around and to get me to work on time everyday” or “I hope I wouldn’t have to wait in line to jump on the bus any more once I get the job. I can spend my first pay on a car,” or “Are you kidding? I need to pay off my loan.” This is your chance to reiterate your skills and relate them to the position you are applying for. Never impose conditions on your taking a position. Avoid making statements about possible problems that might be solved once they start paying you. Don’t mention anything that might interfere with your getting to work on time or staying there. For example, don’t bring up the fact that your daughter has frequent doctor’s appointments for a condition unless you are certain you will have to miss work often because of it. Nor should you raise potential problems that might never develop, since the interviewer will perceive these as red flags.
5. “I took six months off last year due to stress, hopefully, that is not going to happen any more,” or “I am hopeless when it comes to holding down a job that I don’t like because, I lose interest easily!” Never emphasize your weaknesses. Don’t bring up six months of poor work attendance at a previous job following stress that required therapy. After all, it was a one-time event and hopefully will not recur. There is no sense in planting doubts in a prospective employer’s mind unless you must.
Better Answer: When I was younger, I decided to sample a wide variety of careers. That way, when I was ready to choose a career path I would be absolutely certain that I had found the right one for the long-term future. Now I’ve settled on this industry, and that’s why I’m here today.
6. “Don’t bulls**t me,” or “I laughed my ass off!” Never use careless language. Avoid jokes, slangs, racial slurs, and other kinds of inappropriate diction. Even if you feel comfortable with your interviewer, you want to show your best professional side while being considered for employment, and even afterwards if hired. Use everyday speech and a conversational tone without including slang. Also make a point of excluding sexist language or clichés. Put a guard on your tongue for few hours that day to avoid botching this unique opportunity.
7. “Exactly how much is this job paying, anyway?,” or “When am I going to be promoted!” Never mention salary. Avoid asking for when you are going to be promoted, remember that the job is not yet yours, do not put the cart before the horse. You have to wait for the interviewer to ask you questions about salary first. Even if you feel comfortable with your interviewer, you want to show that the job and working at the company are more important. Some people ask this question before the interviewer has a chance to even ask their first question and this is a big mistake. It makes it seem as if all you are after is money. As a rule, wages and salaries are not discussed during the first interview. You may have three interviews altogether with one company. If money is discussed, it is up to the interviewer from the company to open up that subject. If they ask you how much money you want, have a range of salaries to give them and not a specific amount. First, research how much the job you want really pays in your town or state and then come up with a range of a yearly salary to request.
*Copied *
Monday, 22 June 2015
DAILY WORD//Make a Habit of Expressing Gratitude
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Todd Beezley lived a lonely childhood. He was born with brittle bone disease and
spent much of his young life in the hospital. He broke 70 bones at various times
and had 28 hospital stays. The disease eventually caused deformities in his
small frame.
Todd couldn’t spend his school years with other children. Instead, a tutor came
to his house from 1st grade through 6th grade. Then from 7th through 11th
grade, Todd got the help of his fellow classmates.
Says Todd, “I had a two-way telephone system between my house and the
school. Classmates would carry this little cow bell speaker/microphone from
classroom to classroom and plug it into the telephone jacks there so I could
hear what was going on in class.”
Todd’s life took a dark turn during one of his lonely hospital stays.
“I had overheard the doctor telling my mom on the eve of a surgery in
Milwaukee back in 1959 that they didn’t know if they could save my leg,” Todd
recalls. “He thought that I was out of earshot when he told my mom that in the
hallway, but I could hear it.”
Todd was devastated. That is when another patient told him that he had the
answer to Todd’s dilemma.
“A 13-year-old child in the bed next to me said, ‘Everything will be OK with your
leg if you just join my club.’ I said, ‘What club is that?’ He said, ‘The devil’s
club, but you’ve got to understand, once you’ve joined, there’s no way out. And
you can never tell anyone.’ “
Todd’s Christian upbringing had not prepared him for this-but he desperately
wanted to save his leg.
“I agreed to join. That night it felt like I had sold my soul, I had lost it forever.
The internal pain, the agony of that moment, was just horrendous,” Todd
Amazingly, his leg began to heal.
“The bone six weeks later had grown in straighter and stronger in my left leg
than in my lower right leg, which had never broken,” he explains.
As years passed and his guilt grew, Todd desperately searched for a way out of
his vow.
“I even took time to look into the Bible at that point, but all I could see there
was ‘woe unto you hypocrites,’ ” Todd says. “I thought God hated me. Every
Sunday I would be dragged into the presence of an angry God with cold feet
and cold hands.”
So Todd rejected his Christian upbringing.
“I ran as far away from God as I could possibly get once I got out on my own. I
wanted to put Him out of my mind and enjoy my life on earth while I was here
because I figured I was headed for hell, so I might as well enjoy what time I
had,” he says. “That’s why I got off into the drugs and got into other sinful
things and just ran from God.”
But in retrospect, Todd says God did not give up on him.
“He kept pursuing me,” Todd says. “I went through eight auto accidents in three
years without a scratch. Then a tornado went 10 feet over my car when I was in
Jackson, Tenn. That was the most scared moment of my life.”
Todd’s near-death experiences pushed him to search once again for God, the
same God that he had fled from.
“I didn’t know where to find him,” Todd admits. “I had been gone from Him for
so long.”
In other areas, life moved forward for Todd. He married a wonderful, kind-
hearted woman named Sherry. With Todd’s talented voice, he excelled in a radio
“Part of that job responsibility as morning announcer was also production
director, which meant I recorded the commercials and religious programming for
Sunday morning. There was a pastor who came to record one of his sermons,
and he asked after our recording session, ‘Have you ever accepted Christ as
your Savior?’ ” Todd remembers.
Todd had never shared his dark, satanic secret with anyone. But that day, Todd
confided everything to this pastor.
“He showed me from Scripture over coffee that the devil is a liar and the father
of lies and that Jesus still loved me, that I still had hope and I could be saved,”
says Todd. “It was like throwing a rope to a drowning man, so I reached out
and I accepted the Lord as my Savior.”
Todd says that by making that decision for Christ, a great weight was lifted off
of his shoulders.
“I was able to go tell my wife what I had been involved in. I was able to go tell
my parents, my mom and my dad,” he says.
Years later Todd and Sherry had a son named Joshua. Todd was devastated
when he found out his newborn son also had brittle bone disease, so Todd and
Sherry began to pray for healing. To date, Joshua, at age 10, has never broken
a single bone.
Says Todd, “I’m delighted that God healed him. I knew all the pain that I went
through as a child with broken bones. For him to be spared, that’s the most
merciful thing that I could ever imagine or ask for.”
Today Todd encourages everyone to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
“Jesus came to set us free from sin and give us hope, no matter what we’ve
been involved in,” he explains. “I don’t care if you’ve sold your soul to Satan. I
don’t care how far into the depths of the occult you’ve sunk, if you are a witch
or whatever. There’s hope for you. Jesus loves you, and He can set you free. He
did it for me. He can do it for you, too.”
By Gorman Woodfin
Thursday, 4 June 2015
the Lord's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children — with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
O God of glory and grace thank you for your promises, your covenants, and your love. May I live in such a way that others, especially those who come after me in my family, know that your love is from everlasting to everlasting. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.Wednesday, 3 June 2015
The Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
God, I look forward to the day of your next great surprise. I join the angels in standing on tiptoe as I look to the clouds to see my Lord and your Son return in glory and receive the welcome and honor he deserves. I praise you for that day now, even though I only see it by faith. Until I see you on that day, please know my heart's desire is to serve you, even when my weakness gets in my way of showing it as fully as I should. I offer you my sincerest thanks and praise in Jesus' name. Amen.Monday, 1 June 2015
Ask God to Shine His Favor on Your Life
“What do you want me to do for you?”
“Lord, I want to see,” he replied. (Luke 18:41 NIV)
In Luke 18:41 Jesus asks the question, “What do you want me to do for you?”
He asks the same question for us. What would you like Jesus to do for you today? Would you ask him for something that you know is in accordance with his will, something that will echo into eternity?
Or would you ask for some perishable item that has no eternal benefit?
His will includes our asking for a spirit of revelation and understanding, having his will become our will, and asking that he will shine with favor on our lives and endeavors for helping in the expansion of his kingdom.
Today, ask yourself:
Have I made room in my requests to God for these vital ingredients for a prosperous Christian life?
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
Loving Father, lead me to the people today who need their burdens lifted and their joys shared. Let me be your presence in the world of your children today. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.Tuesday, 26 May 2015
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
Monday, 25 May 2015
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
Friday, 8 May 2015
Make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
—Colossians 4:5-6
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
There are no random acts of kindness, only intentional acts given the opportunity to happen. We have thought about kindnesses we can do. We have committed ourselves to acting in ways that are kind and beneficial. We have prayed for an opportunity to be kind. Then the opportunity presents itself and bingo! We act with kindness. Nothing random about that! This is truust in deeds, but in words as well. More than trying to avoid poor speech, we are urged to use our speech to bless and help others to come to know Christ.
My Prayer...
Father, please forgive me for the careless words I have uttered this week. I understand that these careless words are twice sins — a sin once when I committed it and a sin a second time because I didn't see the opportunity to be redemptive and helpful with my speech. Open my eyes Lord so that I may see those people you have placed in my path to bless. Through the blessed name of Jesus I pray. AmEngWole.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
GOOD CHARACTER connotes good reputation
5th May 2015 Daily Word
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
4th May 2015 Daily word
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
My Prayer...
Sunday, 3 May 2015
3rd May 2015 daily word
—Romans 12:12
Thought on today's Verse...
Sometimes the key to survival is simply "setting our jaw" and going on faithfully trusting that God is there helping us, despite the apparent and outward circumstances. Choosing joy through hope rather than despair, choosing patient endurance in times of affliction, and choosing faithfulness in prayer are all decisions of the will trusting that the God who raised Jesus from the dead can also change our circumstances because he hears our voices
My Prayer...
Create in me, O Mighty God, a resolute and steadfast heart so that I might persevere with joy no matter what the difficulty. This I ask in the name of your faithful Son. Amen.
be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
—Romans 12:12
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Godliness may not be an easy life, but it is a distinguishable life
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
There is no where in the Bible where the Sabbath day was changed from the Seventh Day to the First day of the week.
Read your Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and if you found ONE, comment it below.
Follow God not the Multitude.
Accept the SEAL of God not the SEAL of men.
Monday, 30 March 2015
send to your loved ones, friends and families an inspiring messages on their cell phones.
stay connected with friends and relatives with these godly and lovely inspiring messages.
You and your family are secured on every side. God will disappoint your enemies and Appoint you to an Exalted Position.
have a blessed week.
The Lord will grant you record Breaking Achievements and an Uncommon Transformation. Good morning this morning and have a blessed week.
Whoever sees or treats you as an option doesn't deserve to be a priority in your life.
No matter the economy of the jungle lions will never eat grass.
The dream of a sadist is for every body to be miserable in life.
God will raise you up above all others, He will bring you to your promised land and fill your life with His riches.
send to your loved ones, friends and families an inspiring messages on their cell phones.
stay connected with friends and relatives with these godly and lovely inspiring messages.
send to your loved ones, friends and families an inspiring messages on their cell phones.
stay connected with friends and relatives with these godly and lovely inspiring messages.
Indeed your God is wonderful and He has given you the assurance that from now on you will experience His wonders. Praise God, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. A fruitful day is yours to enjoy. Good morning this morning
“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” reflect on this before you go out today. good morning
Thursday, 26 March 2015
SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE:Nothing is wrong if we have sex since i will marry you" What do you say about this?
Monday, 16 March 2015
10 principles of loosing weight
Think long-term. Shortcuts and quickie plans never last.
Do it for yourself. Improving your health and energy are better motivations than a coming class reunion.
Prepare the way. Do not rush into a diet before you are ready for long-term changes. Keeping a diet journal will help you become more aware of what you eat and why.
Think fruits, grains, legumes, and vegetables. In the standard American diet more than 50 percent of calories come from fat, sugar and alcohol.
Control portion sizes. Use a smaller plate. Serve yourself smaller portions and put away leftovers before you eat. At restaurants, ask for a doggie bag instead of cleaning your plate.
Eat three meals a day. Eating at regular intervals will not send your body into a deprivation (starvation) mode, which may cause you eat and binge more.
Maintain your program. Successful weight-loss managers realize that they are not on a temporary diet-- they are starting a permanent new lifestyle.
Exercise. It's fun and keeps you flexible. Activity is the key to successful weight control, particularly in middle age.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t push yourself to the higher end of the target range. A brisk one-hour walk a day is a terrific goal for steady, healthy weight management.
When you think activity- think "play". Walking the dog, gardening, yard-work, household chores, sports, bicycling, and playing with kids are all productive activities. How do kids exercise? They play! You can have fun too.
Saturday, 14 March 2015
Your Spiritual goodnight pill.
How has your day been?
a lot of things may have happened to day, right? may be in your office, shop , house, market place etc.
Did anyone abuse you today? or maybe someone has taken you for a fool?
Have vowed within you on what you will do that person who has hurt you greatly?
it's always like that, which is a path to greatness.
Think over those activities you partook in very well, which one did you do right and which one would you had wished not to have done at all and which one would you want to do better.
who has offended you and who has not step over their boundaries with you?
In Romans 12:18.
"if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
God wants us to always live in peace, especially with one another. but you know the meaning of that? Once you are at peace with people around you, then you are at peace with yourself.
settle your differences and make peace where needed, first plan to do this in your mind then actualize it with the right person.
Thank you Lord for today.
Forgive me all my sins
Your peace o Lord shall surround me
Your peace Lord shall fill my heart.
evil-people-will-not-have-power-over-me in Jesus name
Friday, 13 March 2015
A man was travelling in an aircraft and he was wearing his wedding ring on the wrong finger and someone told him he was wearing his wedding ring on the wrong finger and he said " hey! Don’t worry, it's because I married the wrong woman"
A marriage you don’t prepare for will confuse you.
You don’t prepare in marriage, you prepare for marriage.
You don’t learn how to shoot gun in the battle front, you learn it before the battle begins.
The better time to prepare for marriage is when you are single.
Celebrate your season as a single
Being a single is not a disadvantage,
Being a single is not a sin
You are not under a curse because you are single.
Being a single is the time you prepare for marriage.
To be single is better than married and praying to be a single.
So many people prepare for wedding and not marriage. Wedding is different from marriage. After the wedding, marriage begins.
Wedding is an initiation into marriage.
The elaborateness of your wedding doesn’t determine the success of your marriage.
Acquire knowledge from the word of God.
Develop a good quality relationship with God.
Have knowledge of the gender difference.
Know the difference between love and emotion.
Connect with people that have been married and learn from them.
Genesis 2:18. Marriage is all about meeting needs. Be sure you are able to meet those needs.
Discover God's purpose for your life. "If you don’t know where you are going to, anyone is fit for your life." Anonymous
Cultivate good character by taking care of your inward appearance. Proverbs 31:30. Character sustains destiny. Character stays when all is gone. Character is God-like. Character gives control. Character is cultivated and doesn’t drop like cherry. Character retains beauty. Character is like a smoke that can't be hid. Deal with all negative character while still single.
Take care of your outward appearance. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Be neat and always look good.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
The dream of many people is a magic pill taken before each meal that will remove all the calories.
In the absence of such a magic pill, we continue to try dozens of diets, spend a fortune on exercise equipment and health club memberships, and even hire trainers who will come to our homes and work out with us.
We read so much about what is good for us and what is bad that the picture has become muddled. Advertising nowadays is so slick that we often don't know what to believe anymore. To help you, here are some hard facts you can depend on. To accomplish weight loss in a healthy way:
Always have a breakfast. In a hurry? Try a bagel, toast, or dry cereal.
Carry your launch to avoid fast food. Stay away from vending machines.
Go outdoors for a brisk walk during launch. Join a health club.
Try new low-fat, easy-to-prepare recipes for dinner.
Eat before you go to a party at which dietary dangers abound.
Find a support partner to collaborate in weight and exercise goals.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Prayer for me.
God will grant you your heart desire and make you the head but not the tail.
Where you have been looking up for help the Lord will raise you a help even where you least expected.
It is well with our souls even when all is looking gloomy.
In the midst of scarcity you will have plenty .
You will run not mad in Jesus name.
You shall fulfill God's given destiny for your life.
Your life shall be a good example for others to follow ...
You will not disappoint God but you will obey His word.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
HEALTH: how alcohol affects your body
YOUR BRAIN: alcohol, even in small amounts, causes irreparable damage to brain cells; some die and others are altered.
YOUR HEART: alcohol increases the risk of hypertension, stroke, and damage to the heart muscle.
YOUR LUNGS: alcohol depresses respiration functions.
YOUR REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: in men, alcohol can damage cells in the testes, causing impotence, sterility, and possibly enlarged breasts. In women, alcohol can cause irregular menstrual cycles and malfunctioning of the ovaries. Alcohol has also been linked to birth defects in infants and to fetal alcohol syndrome.
YOUR LIVER: Because your liver must filter alcohol from blood, alcohol affects it more than any other organ of your body:
Excess calories in alcohol are stored as fat in the liver.
Functioning liver cells die from alcoholic poisoning.
Scar tissue replaces dead cells, causing cirrhosis.
YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: alcohol weakens the body’s defense against infection and breast cancer.
“Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler: whoever is led astray by them is not wise.”
Alcohol is closely linked with virtually every negative aspect of society: suicide, violent crimes, birth defects, industrial accidents, domestic and sexual abuse, disease, homelessness, and death. It is the number one drug problem for people from all walks of life. It knows no racial, ethnic, social, or economic barriers.
Friday, 27 February 2015
Thought for today
Don't stop sowing.
Don't compare Your destiny with someone else.
Don't neglect The power of vision.
Don't give yourself unnecessary stress by wanting To do All now.
It's not The size of Your seed But Your dream that matters.
Revelation Is powerful But The most powerful Is The one that comes from God.
God doesn't tell You What You want To hear But What You need To hear.
Saturday, 7 February 2015
It was glorious today as we were ushered into the new month with proclamation of God's blessings which in turn brought comfort into the heart of the church members.
The hymn was sang in yoruba language, it gave the deeper meaning of what the song was saying. ---it was so touching.
By and by, when the morning comes, when the saints of God are gathered home, we'll tell the story how we've overcome, for we'll understand it better by and by.(ENGLISH VERSION)
As if that was not enough, we entered into another song which was 'count your blessings'
"When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.RefrainCount your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done! Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done."These two hymns ministered to souls, in fact those sleeping were awake without the stress of waking them up.The Bible text was Luke 8:22-25.Sermon time.........."Let's be sitted, we want to thank God for seeing us through Last month and for this new month, the God that was with us through last month will never leave us in this month in Jesus name. Amen..Today, I want to talk on the the topic "facing the storm of life". If we look at the Bible text read(Luke 8), it explains how Jesus calm the storm. Jesus calm the storm when he was right there with the disciples, but the question is, why should God allow storms into our lives? this is for two reasons which are:1. because we are Christians: the devil has no business with the people in the world but once you confessed Jesus has your Lord and saviour, then you are one of his target.2. because Jesus is with us: Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.When storm arises, it will be as if God is far away, meanwhile God is greater than any storm we might be facing in life. A lot has been happening since the begining of this year; mind you, a lot is still going to happen but God will calm the storms in our lives in Jesus name.Jeus intention was to take the disciples to the other side but storm arose on the way so also in our daily lives, God meant the best for us but devil will come with challenges. God's intention for you and me in this new month is to get to the next level i our lives but the will come with different obstacles and make sure you are discouraged.GET RICH NOW