I am sharing this because I know it will help someone.
Here are the 7 key things not to say during an interview:
1. “I don’t know” or “I don’t have any weaknesses” or “I’m known to be a perfectionist” when asked to name one of your weaknesses or flaws is a no, no. Despite being an extremely common response, perfectionism is not a flaw and everyone will know you are lying. Being a perfectionist is a more of a positive than a negative and mentioning it should not be used as a substitute because you’re afraid to divulge your real flaw.
Mention a negative, but follow-up with what you have been doing to address the weakness and mention a recent success due to this new way of dealing with the weakness. Such weakness can also be viewed as a positive because you are self-aware and you have taken the step(s) to manage the weakness.
2. “My boss was a flaming jerk!” or “My colleagues were difficult to get along with!” Never ever criticize a former boss or employer. No matter how poorly you were treated, it is foolish to point the finger at someone from your previous job, it is simply unnecessary. For one thing, the person interviewing you may feel you are disloyal. For another, you may be perceived as someone who whinges or unable to hold a job. Trust me, nothing good can come from talking down another organization, so keep your mouth zipped and keep it positive.
3. “You have no idea, you are my last hope. If I don’t get this, you have no idea what I am going to do to myself” or “You are the only one hiring now and if I don’t get this, it is the end for me.” Chill out, it is only a job interview! Never beg or talk about how much you need the job – it is pathetic!
If you pour out a sob story to try to win the interviewer’s sympathy, you are most likely signing your ‘never’ warrant with the company. People simply do not want to hire someone they feel is a walking emotional wreck or someone they feel sorry for. They would much rather find an employee they perceive confident, able and admire or someone they can depend on to get the job done. Making yourself out to be a victim may get your scooted out the door in a hurry.
4.“If I get the job, then I can buy a car to get me around and to get me to work on time everyday” or “I hope I wouldn’t have to wait in line to jump on the bus any more once I get the job. I can spend my first pay on a car,” or “Are you kidding? I need to pay off my loan.” This is your chance to reiterate your skills and relate them to the position you are applying for. Never impose conditions on your taking a position. Avoid making statements about possible problems that might be solved once they start paying you. Don’t mention anything that might interfere with your getting to work on time or staying there. For example, don’t bring up the fact that your daughter has frequent doctor’s appointments for a condition unless you are certain you will have to miss work often because of it. Nor should you raise potential problems that might never develop, since the interviewer will perceive these as red flags.
5. “I took six months off last year due to stress, hopefully, that is not going to happen any more,” or “I am hopeless when it comes to holding down a job that I don’t like because, I lose interest easily!” Never emphasize your weaknesses. Don’t bring up six months of poor work attendance at a previous job following stress that required therapy. After all, it was a one-time event and hopefully will not recur. There is no sense in planting doubts in a prospective employer’s mind unless you must.
Better Answer: When I was younger, I decided to sample a wide variety of careers. That way, when I was ready to choose a career path I would be absolutely certain that I had found the right one for the long-term future. Now I’ve settled on this industry, and that’s why I’m here today.
6. “Don’t bulls**t me,” or “I laughed my ass off!” Never use careless language. Avoid jokes, slangs, racial slurs, and other kinds of inappropriate diction. Even if you feel comfortable with your interviewer, you want to show your best professional side while being considered for employment, and even afterwards if hired. Use everyday speech and a conversational tone without including slang. Also make a point of excluding sexist language or clichés. Put a guard on your tongue for few hours that day to avoid botching this unique opportunity.
7. “Exactly how much is this job paying, anyway?,” or “When am I going to be promoted!” Never mention salary. Avoid asking for when you are going to be promoted, remember that the job is not yet yours, do not put the cart before the horse. You have to wait for the interviewer to ask you questions about salary first. Even if you feel comfortable with your interviewer, you want to show that the job and working at the company are more important. Some people ask this question before the interviewer has a chance to even ask their first question and this is a big mistake. It makes it seem as if all you are after is money. As a rule, wages and salaries are not discussed during the first interview. You may have three interviews altogether with one company. If money is discussed, it is up to the interviewer from the company to open up that subject. If they ask you how much money you want, have a range of salaries to give them and not a specific amount. First, research how much the job you want really pays in your town or state and then come up with a range of a yearly salary to request.
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