Monday, 28 March 2016



Beware!  When prayer becomes a difficult thing for you.

Beware!  When fasting is becoming a history in your spiritual timetable.

Beware! When you no longer enjoy reading the word of God.

Beware! When attending church programme is becoming a burden rather than a blessing for you.

Beware! When living a life of holiness is appearing like extremism.

Beware! When sinful living becomes a lifestyle in the name of grace.

Beware! When you crave for earthly things rather than the things of God.

Beware! When waking up in the night to pray is becoming a thing of the past.

Beware! brethren, when your heart no longer desires  to see the Lord Jesus one day.

Beware! when you eat more than praying,

Beware! when you no longer share the word with others

Beware! When u start diluting the preaching Word of God to keep people around you

Beware! of all these, brethren, Satan isn't resting. We too must be vigilant.

Beware! When you spend more time on Facebook, whatsapp, twitter, and internet. These things become idols and take the place of God.
Lets prepare, Jesus is coming soon to take those who are eagerly waiting for him.
May He count us worthy... Amen

Monday, 21 March 2016

DANGERS OF TAKING YOUR BABY TO DAYCARE or leaving them with maid

parenting is not an easy thing, we all know ; but it is a passage of life.
your children cannot forever be toddlers;
you prayed to God for the blessing of thess children, therefore they are not meant to be ignored or treated the way we like.

we carry our babies to daycare, or better still, leave them with maids in the house.

the truth is we cannot eat our cake and at the same time have it

This is a disturbing video of a maid with a child, please, the video is very disturbing, take caution before you watch.

nobody can take care of your child as you, since you are alive, why don't you try and look after them yourself

check this link for more information

every woman wants to be working class, even if their husbands instruct them not to. equality palava
let's re-think, it is just for the children sake, after they start school, then you are free.

children come home from pre-schools with divers of sickness, then we give different antibiotics to them. - too much of which is not healthy.

men want their wives to work an bring in money since the situation in the country is not palatable.

the few solutions I have are these:
  1. we should be contented as a family: its not a MUST that you should drive a big car right away, let the husband's income be enough till the child grows up- 2 years,  thereafter, the mother can get a job. 
  2. women should leave egoistic behaviour of gender equality to bring in money but think of the child's wellbeing.
  3. trading is best for nursing mothers uptill the time they are open for office jobs.
  4. men should try to understand these risk and implore wives to be patient to take time out for the children
  5. pray to God for wisdom in times like this.
if you have any other useful ideas, please add it in the comment line below.

Sunday, 20 March 2016


The secret behind Easter celebration.

check through the Bible,
you can never find a verse that mention 'Easther'

ask yourself, where does the name 'easther' come from?

ask questions, pray for understanding, then it will be clear to you.